Pirate Nightmare Vice Explosion
by Michael Kupperman

In the late 1990s, Michael Kupperman bought a stack of men’s magazines from the 1950s and 1960s. On examining them, he discovered that their original owner had tampered with them, using the contents to form his own hybrid magazines. This reordering, censoring and selecting, made the sensation-crazed originals even stranger. Pirate Nightmare Vice Explosion presents highlights from that collection, and takes place in a murky, monochromatic world where mysterious, energetic sin is always happening behind closed doors. Some of it is factual, some of it smells of heady invention.

Pirate Nightmare Vice Explosion
by Michael Kupperman
Paperback, 148 pages, 31.5 x 24 cm
Designed by John Morgan
Published 2013
ISBN 978-0-9561928-7-5
£15.99, $40