Free Speech Zone
by Michael Patterson-Carver
with contributions by Harrell Fletcher & Matthew Higgs

Self-taught artist Michael Patterson-Carver reflects the voice of the disenfranchised, oppressed, and silenced and the dissatisfaction of many in the US (and elsewhere) with the status quo. This work is a collection of Patterson-Carver’s satirical critics of the right-wing powers that be and celebrations of the ordinary voices of extraordinary political and social change. It is a left that Patterson-Carver always presents smiling, as they are quite sure of their success.
This is the first monograph on the artist, edited by artist Harrell Fletcher, with a discussion between Fletcher and White Columns director Matthew Higgs, and an introduction by Patterson-Carver.

Free Speech Zone
by Michael Patterson-Carver
with contributions by Harrell Fletcher & Matthew Higgs
Hardback, 96 pages, 22 × 22 cm
Designed by Sam Blunden
Published in October 2010
ISBN 978-0-9561928-2-0