by Critical Art Ensemble
Introduction by Brian Holmes

"For a rising generation of artists and intellectuals across the world, disabused of their illusions, fully aware of the transnational powers of the corporate state, and filled with the desire to make any knowledge they acquire directly useful to people on the ground, the twenty-five-year run of Critical Art Ensemble will be a great inspiration.”—Brian Holmes, from his Introduction
Since its formation in 1987, Critical Art Ensemble has set out to explore the intersections between art, critical theory, technology and political activism. The award-winning group of tactical media practitioners has exhibited and performed in a variety of venues internationally, from the street to the museum to the internet. Disturbances is the first book to assess the group’s 25-year history, examining the environmental, political and bio-technological themes of their various initiatives.
In the publication, each project is presented by the group itself, from their early live multimedia productions; to their development of models of electronic civil disobedience, digital resistance, and contestational biology and ecology; to their most recent tactical media projects.
Disturbances is a landmark handbook for activists in art, theory, science and politics.

"Disturbances is an essential document for politically minded students and creative practitioners. Disturbances is not only a document of past political practices and interventions, it is a guide to the future." Trevor Paglen, The Drama Review
by Critical Art Ensemble
Introduction by Brian Holmes
Paperback, 272 pages, 20 x 27 cm
Designed by Barnbrook
ISBN 978-0-9561928-8-2
Published Autumn 2012
£22.50, $40