Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor
by Franz Kafka
art by David Musgrave

Artist David Musgrave uses pencil drawings to rediscover and reinvent a little-known novella left unfinished by Kafka, concerning a man who comes home to find that two bouncing plastic balls have invaded his home.
This third book in our Familiars series is illustrated with a series of pencil drawings of curious artefacts and archaeological fragments invented by the artist.
The typeface used is Walbaum, Kafka’s preferred typeface.

Blumfeld, an Elderly Bachelor
by Franz Kafka
art by David Musgrave
Hardback, 84 pages, 20.5 × 14.5 cm
Four Corner Familiar #3
Published in October 2008
Designed by John Morgan
ISBN: 978-0-9545025-6-0
£9.95, $19
Not currently available